Written by Elif Gulce Batgi
Learning is a process of changing, which occurs as a result of an experience and contributes to the improvement of future learning. Learning appears in nearly every aspect and period of time. As much as the number of aspects that learning can occur, there are a lot of types of learning. One of these types is conditioning. Conditioning is a way of learning that consists of stimuli to a human behavior or response. Conditioning divides into two; classical and operant conditioning.
Classical conditioning, also known as Pavlov behaviorism, was discovered by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. It is a creation of a conditioned response through associations between an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus (1). There are some terms that should be understood well to learn what classical conditioning is. These terms are unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned stimulus, neutral stimulus, unconditioned response, and conditioned response. The neutral stimulus is a stimulus that does not cause any response and basically means nothing to an individual or an animal. An unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus that causes an automatic response, whereas a conditioned stimulus is an association between a thing with a neutral stimulus. An unconditioned response is an automatic response to a stimulus, whereas a conditioned response is a response to a conditioned stimulus (2). A common and the best way to understand classical conditioning is Pavlov’s experiments. Pavlov wanted to do an experiment on salivation in dogs in response to being fed (3). He thought that dogs would salivate at food placed in front of them. However, the dog salivated whenever they heard the footsteps of the assistant who brings them the food, too (3). So, Pavlov discovered that they do not only respond to the things which happen automatically in their brain. but also respond to the things associated with automatic responses. In that case, food is an unconditioned stimulus, so salivating when dogs see the food is an unconditioned response; footsteps are the conditioned stimulus, so salivating when dogs hear the footsteps and associating it with the food is a conditioned response.
(Image Credit: https://www.explorepsychology.com/classical-conditioning/.)
The other type of conditioning is operant conditioning, also known as instrumental conditioning. Operant conditioning is a type of learning through positive and negative reinforcement to change behaviors (4). For example, if you want your children to wash their hands after petting a family dog, you may give them chocolate every time they wash their hands after petting. Continuously awarding them for a while will lead them to wash their hands and even become a habit for them. Depending on the amount, frequency and type of reinforcements, humans develop, modify and abandon behaviors at different rates, known as schedules of reinforcement.
Continuous reinforcement: It is the repeated reinforcement of a behavior every time it happens. It involves positive (adding a stimulus) or negative (removing a stimulus) reinforcement, with the goal of encouraging certain actions (5).
Fixed-ratio reinforcement: It includes positively reinforcing a desired behavior after it has occurred a certain number of times (4).
Fixed-interval reinforcement: This schedule involves providing positive reinforcement once at a consistent time interval until the desired behavior occurs at least once during that time frame (4).
Variable-ratio reinforcement: This schedule involves positive reinforcement after a desired behavior occurs randomly and unpredictably (4).
Variable-interval reinforcement: This schedule involves giving a positive reinforcement randomly and unpredictably after the occurrence of the desired behavior once.
(Image Credit: https://www.verywellmind.com/operant-conditioning-a2-2794863.)
Learning is indispensable and in some conditions, uncontrollable things occur in life. It has types and conditioning is one of them. Classical and operant conditioning are types of learning. Classical conditioning includes associations between behaviors and things that trigger the behavior, whereas operant conditioning is a process of learning through reinforcements.
Classical and operant conditioning (with examples) (article). (n.d.). Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/behavior/learning-slug/a/classical-and-operant-conditioning-article.
Classical conditioning - StatPearls - NCBI bookshelf. (2022, August 22). National Center for Biotechnology Information. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470326/#:~:.
Mcleod, S. (2007, February 5). Pavlov’s dogs study and pavlovian conditioning explained. Study Guides for Psychology Students - Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/pavlov.html.
Just a moment... (n.d.). Just a moment... https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/classical-vs-operant-conditioning.
Continuous reinforcement. (n.d.). The Decision Lab. https://thedecisionlab.com/reference-guide/management/continuous-reinforcement.