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  • I do not know where to sign my paper, I am new in the organization.
    If you are not an assigned editor or writer yet, you can send your work to
  • When/how will I get informed about deadlines? sends monthly emails informing writers of their deadlines, blog updates, and other reminders. also sends mid-monthly reminders.
  • Where can I learn that I become the writer of the Blog of the Month?
    These are selected by, but writers/articles can be nominated by their editors. Articles are selected based on quality, topic of interest, and the time they spent volunteering.
  • What is a golden writer/editor? What responsibilities I gain if I am given this position?
    Being assigned a golden writer/editor does not give you any extra responsibilities at all. This is a new system for our team and it means we recognize you for your dedication and your hard work. This position may require you to provide advice for new writers/editors who are just getting adjusted to their roles. Again, these writers and editors are selected based on quality, topic of interest and the time they spent volunteering.
  • Am I eligible to submit my work?
    To submit, you must be aged 14-19 and currently enrolled at a secondary education institution. If you have recently completed secondary school and have not yet enrolled in university, you are eligible to apply.
  • Can I submit an article for more than one topic?
    Yes. As long as your articles fulfill the criteria, you can make multiple entries.
  • Can the article be previously published?
    Provided that your work is original, published work is accepted. Please provide a reference for the date and media of the publication
  • Can I submit an article which I wrote with my friends?
    Your article should only be written by you. Any outside assistance or group work must be stated at the beginning or end of the entry.
  • What are the criteria for the submission?
    Articles must be in English and at least 400 words but not exceed 1,200 words. Word count includes footnotes, titles, headers, footers, and in-text citations; but not reference lists. References should be clearly documented with in-text citations and references list in APA or MLA style. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Your article must be your own words unless quotations are explicitly noted. If plagiarism is suspected, the article will be examined.
  • What are the points I should keep in mind to stand my article out?
    Aim to address a topic holistically from a balanced perspective. Have a clear organization of your thoughts. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the big picture and fundamental concepts by not being too focused on details. Submissions should be well-researched, well-informed, and formal in style and prose. Evidence is crucial. Avoid sweeping and ostentatious overstatements. Do not feel obligated to use technical language. We are looking for ideas, not jargon. References that are more than ten years old are likely to have outdated ideas. Be sure to use up-to-date resources. Using many quotes may lead us to think you did not grasp the topic. Come up with your own questioning and reflection on the topic
  • Will there be any charge for publication?
    There will be no publication charges.
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